Ease of data access

Ease of data access

Compare with other Characteristic

Characteristic Name: Ease of data access
Definition: Data should be easily accessible in a form that is suitable for its intended use.
Dimension: Availability and Accessability
Granularity: Information object
Characteristic Type: Usage
Implementation Form: Process-based approach

Verification Metric:

The number of tasks failed or under performed due to lack of ease in data access
The number of complaints received due to lack of ease in data access

Validation Metric:

To what extent required capabilities and skills have been implemented to improve the data usage of a task


The original definitions given below formed the basis of the consolidated definition of the characteristic.

Definition: Source:
Accessibility refers to the physical conditions in which users can obtain data Clarity refers to the data’s information environment including appropriate metadata. LYON, M. 2008. Assessing Data Quality ,
Monetary and Financial Statistics.
Bank of England. http://www.bankofengland.co.uk/
statistics/Documents/ms/articles/art1mar08.pdf. More from this source
Speed and ease of locating and obtaining an information object relative to a particular activity STVILIA, B., GASSER, L., TWIDALE, M. B. & SMITH, L. C. 2007. A framework for information quality assessment. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58, 1720-1733. More from this source
Data are available or easily or quickly retrieved. WANG, R. Y. & STRONG, D. M. 1996. Beyond accuracy: What data quality means to data consumers. Journal of management information systems, 5-33. More from this source

The implementation guidelines are guidelines to follow in regard to the characteristic. The scenarios are examples of the implementation

Guidelines: Scenario:
Routinely accessed information to continue operations, should be automatically delivered to stakeholders online without wasting their time to search for it. (1) Daily exchange rates are linked into the accounting application or maintained in a dash board on the accountants desktop.

(2) Production efficiency is made available on a display board in the production floor.

Information needed for management reporting purposes should be identified and catered through built in reports where the users do not have to create the reports themselves. (1) Order status is frequently searched information by different stake holder groups and hence a report is made available with multiple searching criteria.
Facilitate users by providing tools to query the database without using any specific technical knowledge and perform business analytics to bring innovation (1) Technical infrastructure supports the users to develop their own reports based on dynamic information needs without consulting technical staff.
Facilitate the user to filter the relevant information depending on the need. (1) Sales report with filtering criteria for customer and date range.
The interfaces and reports should be created conveniently the users do not have to write complex queries or further process information before usage. (1) Product prices are ordered as per "Relevance" or "Price" to enable an e-commerce customer on a purchase decision

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